
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Trouble at Sea--This week's featured art work by S. in 4D

Trouble at Sea, painting by S.,

S. titled his painting "Trouble at Sea."

He called it that because there are cannons aboard the ship and red flags 

flying from the masts

The gray objects in the sea are rocks and the blue animals are whales

 pointing their tails up in the water

What do you suppose the trouble might be?


Do you have a question or comment for the artist? 

(Tell what you notice. Ask a question. Give a suggestion.)

I'm sure he would love to hear from you.

Please use the comments section to type a question or leave a note for the artist.

You can also email me at 

Thanks for visiting our WCS Choice-based art gallery!

Ms. Brooks 


  1. Hi S and family! Do you remember when your big brother D. drew a pirate ship in fifth grade and I put it in an art show? It was a very different work of art but the same subject matter. I love the drama at sea that you painted. Even though there is trouble, the scene seems peaceful to my eyes. What if you painted this scene again, but this time with stormy seas?

  2. Hi S.
    When we first looked at your painting we thought the ship was a toy - it is that good! We like that you painted the water in more than one shade of blue. It gives it a sense of motion. - Lily A and family


Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your participation and welcome your questions, thoughts, and reflections.